Monday, September 28, 2009

time for another list

So we decided that we'd been making decent progress without a planner and nixed the idea. My heart starts palpitating (is that a word?) when I say this out loud but we can use that cash towards something fun now. I need a list to slow down the heartbeat. Next up we need to work on the following:

  1. invitations
  2. finalizing the people participating in our ceremony
  3. research florists

Side note, I am kind of a boring blogger. My bad. I will use pictures in the next post for excitement.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Going to the chapel

Last Thursday Mark and I left the Tigers game (sad loss to Kansas City) in the 8th inning, allowing my Uncle Jim to catch the foul ball instead of us, to meet with the coordinator at the church and put a deposit down. Just seven months prior to April 10 we finally have our ceremony site! For the past month we have been attending Fort Street Presbyterian in Detroit; a beautiful and historic church downtown (read some of the history HERE) across the street from the new Freep/News building. The bonus is we’ve really been enjoying the services there and Taylor likes the children’s church.

Next wedding item to tackle is the invitations, I’m looking to do some cost-cutting here since, no offense to my wedded friends, I throw the invites away after the wedding.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

donde estas?

Hey everyone (assuming anyone is actually reading this)-

Apologies on the hiatus, work has been coming at me like a MAC, ahem GMC Sierra HD, truck lately. Can't complain when there are folks calling MARVIN but it takes away from my social time.

Let's see what is new with the planning....ah yes, we are pretty sure we have finalized our guest list. We received a quote from one planner and are awaiting the quote from another. Brides scope out ( and for the two we've talked to.

Sending love and congratulations to the newly engaged Heather Longstreth and her fiance Ken. The lovebirds met at our engagement party...aww!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

make some noise brides!

Oops, forgot to update everyone on the Bridal Show Extravaganza; “make some noise brides!” Does the sound of me gagging on the cheesiness count?

First off, punch my face if I ever say I’m going to be IN the show. The girls on the runway…wow…confident, and good for them! In all I think this show is best suited for people in the very beginning stages of planning but the entire thing is overwhelming and I’m afraid to look in my MSU email account since 98% of the booths were just seeking your contact information. The vast majority of vendors were photographers, DJs, tuxes and transportation companies. A few honeymoon “win a trip” tables and a few linen rental places. Only two floral displays and no “party favor” people. The best part for me was hanging out with Liz, Jo Lynn and Julie!

Photo booths are the new craze for weddings, here’s a few gems I’d like to pass on to you:

Awkward photo booth photos for your enjoyment:

Click number ONE: Suckered in, fortunately didn’t have to leave my contact info (I faux left it by ghost writing one then throwing it away when they weren’t looking)

Click number TWO: Smile! Nah, blink or stink eye only.

Click number THREE: Overserved perhaps? Or were they just that happy to have a baby-sitter?

Click word SAY: Oh man, Gordy sure likes weddings (and eye contact)!

Click word CHEESE: And finally, not OK…ever.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

losing inches, gaining inches

When Mark and I decided to join the Madison Athletic Club in Madison Heights I was looking forward to getting back on track after nearly one year of slacking off in the exercise department. As part of our package we received a complimentary training session--Mark was gung-ho about the tutorial and I was resisting the "sales pitch." Almost immediately Mark got his free session then signed up to do a handful of training sessions. I put off my initial session for at least two months but finally went. I thought it was a good workout but more so thought how big of a kick in the butt I needed. Here is where I also mention my inability to say "no;" I signed up for three months of sessions. Insert Mark saying "SUCKERRRRRR!" here.

Well my three months just wrapped and I have to say the kick certainly worked. I lost two inches across my abdominals (below the bellybutton) and one inch from my waist. I gained half an inch on my biceps and half an inch on my calves. These results were lined up with what my trainer, Kelly D, and I planned for--less jiggling and my pants fitting me again. I did almost zero working out other than the sessions and I didn't change my diet, though I would argue I'm generally a healthy eater. So major kudos to Kelly (and Mike who filled in a few times) at the MAC for the great workouts.

The next time you see me you may ask to see my muscles but only after you get the scoop on whether I did a workout that week!!