Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I (sort of) accomplished a wedding task!

Just the other day I emailed a flower vendor!  Woo-hoo go me!  I also asked for another reference and I also have another one in my head that I will contact.  Awhile earlier today I took a few, ahem, minutes online to find some yellow floral arrangements that I dig for reference.  Let me try to post something I like for you to reflect upon now:

I like the nosegay approach for bridesmaids.

And perhaps another to sustain you:

Simple and bright, I like the "stuffed" look.  Am just now wondering if these are dandelions because that would probably be a huge money saver...hmm...

That's really all.  Maybe it wasn't quite a noteworthy accomplishment.  HA!

1 comment:

  1. FYI . . . Dandelions are my absolute favorite wildflower. They're the underdogs. And I don't care who you are, it's always kind-of refreshing in the Spring to see a field full of yellowness.

    Plus, after the yellow is gone, you get to help it procreate by blowing its seeds all over! (My husband loves it when I do this in our yard!)
