Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
Christmas Eve was spent at Mike and Grace's home, we were fed another delicious spread (who made the Caesar salad?!) and got to spend a fun evening with them AND Chris, Alison, Liz, Josh, Maddie, Caroline & Bella. Taylor got to open her gifts from Mark and I, I'm taking the group bear hug as a positive sign she liked her digital camera!
Even later on Christmas Eve Mark and I decided to open gifts together, I am glad I was able to keep his coat a secret. We had a rare dinner date at Somerset in October and he spotted this coat:
Then I hid the coat really well!! Mark would mention it about twice a week and I would say they were sold out when I went back and that it was too much, etc. Tee-hee.
I got spoiled big time this year!! It was fun to spend some quiet minutes together and open presents. My new earrings are on as I type and I'm impatiently waiting to wear the boots, which I'm still impressed he was able to track down :)
Christmas Day we drove to Allendale to see my brother, parents and Grandma Carol. It was a rainy day to be on the roads but we rolled in around lunch time. Ken wasn't too far behind then, more presents!! I'm blessed to have such a generous family. Truly blessed.
See all you Shines on Sunday!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
dining with the (almost) Mark Zuerners
Next up, really need to get those invites figured out. Gots to.
But the fun part of registering is about 60% done. I believe we got all of our dining and kitchen things on the lists (Crate & Barrel, Macy's and Target if you care; if you really care about half our registry is on sale at Macy's). Next up will be bed/bath pieces. Phew, time consuming but the advent of online registering is a life saver!!
Merry almost Christmas,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Really? I care about banquet chairs?
Side note: the best pricing on the Chiavari chairs that I found in Detroit is at A Moment Forever. Stacy is very sweet and you can tell she loves the wedding industry (the photo is of the actual chairs they own). They offer lots of other services as well.
Monday, November 30, 2009
stolen ideas!
Mark's mom is now going to do our flowers, yay! Super helpful and (I imagine anyway) a cost savings. We narrowed down the rehearsal dinner spots (Pizzapapalis or Fishbones, both in Greektown) and I found some invites I like that just need a color tweak and they'd be ideal. I think I'm going to hire a graphic designer here to help tweak them and then find somewhere to have them produced. Plus this way we can use the same design in table numbers, thank you notes and place cards, etc...right? Good plan?!
I seriously have ZERO CLUE on how these things all work out. I just searched my old emails for the "ridiculous" timelines my recently married friend's sent to me and now I am frantically trying to adjust them around my wedding. No longer do they seem ridiculous :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The joy of registering
Our game plan was for a walk-thru at both Crate and Barrel and Macy's, we stuck to it. Then we decided which things we wanted at each store. Stuck to it. Next, we decided to add Target into the mix since it seems silly to pay department store prices for cooking utensils (i.e. whisk or spatula). Finally, we walked back across Somerset and got started at CB...we picked a few items on our "for sure purchase at CB" list and then I wanted to browse. Mark, it turns out, was less interested in I had to let him point and shoot at random items to keep him entertained. Bagel slicer?! Sure...zap! Colander?! Sure...zap! My favorite part was when Mark stomped off to zap this giant pot that has a steamer thing on top because "that's the only thing he wanted." I was thinking our pot set might have one that matches so we should wait and all but I had to smile and say zap it! Except I think I hissed about the matching sets before I gave in :D
The great thing is we did agree on most of the big choices (cookware, dishes, silverware) and then on the drive home I found out Mark doesn't care about napkin colors so I don't need to offer him choices as he will just exercise veto power rather than discuss how the deep purple is more elegant but the teal is brighter. I mean, that's how I looked at it. He just said "purple" and I thought perhaps some more discussion was required. Not so much.
Later that night we took the checklist that CB provided and went through and labeled which of the three stores we would get the necessary items from. The game plan/list approach might be more effective than the two of us wandering in all sorts of directions. I'm going to try to do some research on the best toasters, mixers, etc. Side note Mark laughed when I said I wanted to register for a mixer because he's never seen me bake. Forward thinking babesy I said...I mean I will probably have baking duties assigned as a mom or if we host a holiday dinner. Duh.
So tonight we are going to hit up Target and then another night we will tackle the Macy's list and also anything we don't find at Target (spatula wise) we will add on at Macy's.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekend update
On Saturday (11/14) my mama had her birthday--yay! And Heather and Ken got married--also yay! I got to spend the day with both of them, Heather did a great job pulling the day together. We both had so much fun and by the end of the night realized the next wedding we go to will be our own :D
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I (sort of) accomplished a wedding task!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Updates, multitudes of updates
Halloween night was fun, I was pleased with our Cabrera costumes. Though while ironing on the decals I felt like I should put a disclaimer saying that domestic abuse isn't funny. Here's the costume in action:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What a week
Last Wednesday was my Grandpa Ken's 80th birthday, it was also his last day with us. After a recent diagnosis with terminal cancer he took an unexpected bad turn and passed away on what was his 80th birthday. I wish he'd been awake to know we were all there to celebrate with him. But I think even though he wasn't awake he probably still knew we were there.
The memorial service was really nice and there were well over 250 people there to pay their respects to an amazing, solid man and to share stories, hugs and faith with my grandma. One last hug, story and rummy game would be nice but I know he's with our maker and waiting to see us again.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mr Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious
Halloween costumes: TBD (Mark's not so into the creative costume route).
Party night: ON! Friday we went to game night at our friend Angela & Andrew's apartment where my "grown up" friends now realize what a terrible sport I really am. Tonight we are celebrating Heather & Ken's upcoming nuptials, hopefully there are no games in which I will argue and/or pout.
Izzo corn maze: 2, Christa/Sara: 1 Unfortunately after more than an hour we had only moved one section over in the maze...however when we gave up on both the hard and medium difficulty mazes we DOMINATED the easy maze. Dominated.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"i was runnnnnnn-innnngggg"
Mark did great, I'm so proud of him for finishing! He didn't train either but assured me he is half-Kenyan so running long distances comes naturally to him (must be half albino Kenyan). He only walked once up a hill, which was better than I can say, and now he can barely walk at all. Must be the German half that has the sore legs...
Regardless of the tough run we are both looking forward to next year's race. I'm sticking with team RunShine and Mark might up the ante and run the full thing. Let's see if we make it through this year's Turkey Trot first though ;)
play that funky music, white boy
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
another girl beats me to becoming a Zuerner
Here's a little snapshot of the booger sleeping comfortably at home:

Thursday, October 8, 2009
I really SHOULD call ITT Tech
Only one thing NOW I thought, a plug obviously slipped away from the back of the router and it's been swallowed by the dust bunnies behind the TV. At this point I attempted to move our non-flat screen TV away from the wall and I followed an absolute labyrinth of cords to see what must have slipped down. Nothing. "Hmm again!" And then I saw it. SOMEONE (ahem Markers) didn't properly plug the router power cord into the socket, they only got one prong in. Unplug, properly re-plug and voila! INTERNET!
As I type this I'm on hold with everyone's favorite local company, Comcast. I'll give them some serious kudos if they reimburse me for the non-usage for the past two months. Fingers crossed team.
Official bridesmaid dress update. Official.

Option 2 (in a color where you can see the detail), semi capped sleeve with pocketssssssssssss:

And Option 3 (again in a color that you can see the detailing); also strapless with amazing pleat detail and pocketssssssssss:

And let's not forget about our rocking junior bridesmaid Taylor. Here is the dress she picked out of the three options she had, adorable "tip of the shoulder" neckline and flower detail:

Food prep
There were vendors there as well; linens, flowers, cakes, chocolate fountains, dress makers, photographers. They should really blow that out and have more vendors in for couples to meet with.
Monday, September 28, 2009
time for another list
- invitations
- finalizing the people participating in our ceremony
- research florists
Side note, I am kind of a boring blogger. My bad. I will use pictures in the next post for excitement.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Going to the chapel
Next wedding item to tackle is the invitations, I’m looking to do some cost-cutting here since, no offense to my wedded friends, I throw the invites away after the wedding.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
donde estas?
Apologies on the hiatus, work has been coming at me like a MAC, ahem GMC Sierra HD, truck lately. Can't complain when there are folks calling MARVIN but it takes away from my social time.
Let's see what is new with the planning....ah yes, we are pretty sure we have finalized our guest list. We received a quote from one planner and are awaiting the quote from another. Brides scope out ( and for the two we've talked to.
Sending love and congratulations to the newly engaged Heather Longstreth and her fiance Ken. The lovebirds met at our engagement party...aww!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
make some noise brides!
First off, punch my face if I ever say I’m going to be IN the show. The girls on the runway…wow…confident, and good for them! In all I think this show is best suited for people in the very beginning stages of planning but the entire thing is overwhelming and I’m afraid to look in my MSU email account since 98% of the booths were just seeking your contact information. The vast majority of vendors were photographers, DJs, tuxes and transportation companies. A few honeymoon “win a trip” tables and a few linen rental places. Only two floral displays and no “party favor” people. The best part for me was hanging out with Liz, Jo Lynn and Julie!
Photo booths are the new craze for weddings, here’s a few gems I’d like to pass on to you:
Awkward photo booth photos for your enjoyment:
Click number ONE: Suckered in, fortunately didn’t have to leave my contact info (I faux left it by ghost writing one then throwing it away when they weren’t looking)
Click number TWO: Smile! Nah, blink or stink eye only.
Click number THREE: Overserved perhaps? Or were they just that happy to have a baby-sitter?
Click word SAY: Oh man, Gordy sure likes weddings (and eye contact)!
Click word CHEESE: And finally, not OK…ever.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
losing inches, gaining inches
Well my three months just wrapped and I have to say the kick certainly worked. I lost two inches across my abdominals (below the bellybutton) and one inch from my waist. I gained half an inch on my biceps and half an inch on my calves. These results were lined up with what my trainer, Kelly D, and I planned for--less jiggling and my pants fitting me again. I did almost zero working out other than the sessions and I didn't change my diet, though I would argue I'm generally a healthy eater. So major kudos to Kelly (and Mike who filled in a few times) at the MAC for the great workouts.
The next time you see me you may ask to see my muscles but only after you get the scoop on whether I did a workout that week!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
my first wedding event :)
Wish us luck because we need to have a partial registry ready to go in the next 30 days!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
catching up
Since the last post I’ve also made contact with two planners and will be trying to organize meetings for next week. The guest list has been printed out but I think the Tigers trumped Mark actually going through it.
THIS weekend my friend Jo Lynn, who is also planning a wedding, got us tickets to the Bridal Expo at the Palace. Hopefully we come away with some good local people/contacts to help make our weddings stellar!
Signing off for now,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Joy of Planning
Our new list:
- Print the guest list so Mark can review
- Set up appointments with DJs
- Email a church (oh wait I DID this one, yay! But no reply just yet)
- Email a professional planner
I read on a blog last night that you spend around 250 hours, or SIX work weeks planning a wedding. Um, about that...I already have work weeks; and on a good day I can take a full hour lunch, these good days come about once a week. So that means during normal business hours I need 250 work days to plan this bad boy. Um, about that....April 10 is 233 days away.
While I still have lots of fun ideas for our wedding last night Mark and I talked about our (ahem, my) rage level during the planning process. I currently have mild crabbiness at all things wedding. I would prefer to have zero crabbiness and actually focus on having fun. So with that Mark has offered to get a second job to pay for a planner...sweet but not necessary, I found a few local firms that should fall within our budget and help take most stress away. Too bad my handy dandy list is on the kitchen table. But hey, what's one more day?
;) Sara
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, FUN day
Alas, we did no wedding planning other than repeatedly tell each other we really needed to figure out where the ceremony will be.
Friday, August 14, 2009
and the photographer is...
Thanks again to the other contenders for taking time to meet with us and share your amazing work!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
or was this one my fave?
in "shadow:"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
bridesmaid dress ideas
my personal fave, funky version:
the more elegant version:
the Taylor (junior bridesmaid) version:
Dandelion color if we do flower girls at all:
Stay tuned for what the final choice will actually be, these are just my first round of dresses I like
Monday, August 10, 2009
Slacker planning with Sara and Mark
Greetings and salutations!!
Our big plan of setting and accomplishing a weekly wedding planning goal is careening into a fiery pit of despair faster than Lindsay Lohan’s career. Outstanding items thus far are:
~ Book a church
~ Book a photographer*
~ Pare down the guest list to fit our venue
~ Gather addresses for said guest list
* I am however meeting with our last featured photographer, The Shooting Gallery, this evening after work. Unfortunately Mark and our other faithful planner, Taylor, won’t be joining me. That said, we will have one outstanding item crossed off the list (ahh, satisfaction) once I’m able to see Mark with BOTH of us having our eyes open long enough to actually discuss who we want to book.
Ohooh-ohoh, ohooh-ohoh….alright stop: shower time.
On Sunday, did a little swimming and saw the Julie & Julia movie—good flick. I think I need a better blog theme than wedding and I too could have a book and movie deal. My coworker and I have tossed around Sara & Sarah (with me channeling Sarah Palin). The movie would obviously star Tina Fey and, as of late my celebrity lookalike is usually Kate Walsh, formerly of Grey’s Anatomy. Or Gisele. HA! Only the main issue is I would never want to channel Sarah Palin. So on to idea number two: blog about having a name that is the subject of a popular 80s song. Too bad there would be about three entries long and, as it turns out, Jefferson Starship already has a video. I welcome your suggestions as mine are lacking…
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
"rad to the power of sick"
A dear friend, the E.V.E., sent me a link that got me thinking of a great way to make some cash money for our bash. Enjoy:
If you see a beautiful brooch going for 500 times it's original eBay price....mhmm!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
stomach bug
Side note I did find a bridesmaid dress I really like, as soon as I get 'maid sign off I will post a picture!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Mini rant
g'nite, SARA
Rhinestone cow(girl)!
Sneak peek: $11.98 with shipping sure beats the $650 price tag the salon brooch had. If it looks lame then you shall see this pin out and about in Royal Oak.

I covet this necklace...shhh

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hot bridal salon event
OK, so there is, of course, a funny story to this event: They were offering chair massages. So I had one. Here's where I mention it's like 80+ degrees in the shop with no air flow. I could FEEL my legs slipping off the knee pads they were resting on. I am trying to enjoy the relaxing massage but I'm more like, "how in the world do I stand up and wipe off the padding covertly?" Impossible, I was a sweaty leg mess (is that normal to have sweaty SHINS!?) and all over the leather chair. Awkward times 10! I was trying to stop the sweat on my forehead as I got a spiel about airbrush make-up AND keep anyone from looking at the sweaty shin marks. Fortunately Jo Lynn and I made eye contact and could bolt. And air me out.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Say cheese!
Each has their own style but all three definitely have a photojournalistic edge that Mark and I really like.
The goal is to have our choice finalized by NEXT weekend. Not easy!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Playing with our color combo

In the beginning